Rejuvenation Bridal(कायाकल्प )

Rejuvenation Bridal (कायाकल्प )

Peels rejuvenate and improve the look and feel of skin, stimulating new cells and collagen production. Improve skin elasticity. Minimize and reduce skin frustration such as age spots, acne congestion, acne scarring and dark patches (melasma). Reduce fine lines and wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging.Achieve radiant, glowing skin with an enzyme or chemical peel. At Apeel Aesthetics, we have a variety of Peel options for all skin types and concerns, from mild (Natural Enzyme) for a pre-event glow, to deeper peels for more serious skin issues. Our peels differentiate by levels of strength and healing time. Although the idea of peels sometimes makes people cringe, it is important to realize how new scientific breakthroughs have altered the way these procedures work. Our Aestheticians are also Certified Peel Specialists and will consult with you to discuss the most beneficial peel for your skin. Peels rejuvenate and improve the look and feel of skin, stimulating new cells and collagen production. Improve skin elasticity. Minimize and reduce skin frustration such as age spots, acne congestion, acne scarring and dark patches (melasma). Reduce fine lines and wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging. Improve the appearance of scars or pigmentation. Improves skin clarity, tone and texture. Before beginning a peel, all of our valued clients will receive a skin analysis and consultation to discuss goals, develop a customized program that will meet your skin specific needs, downtime, safety concerns and pre- & post-care instructions. Please be open to the possibility that you may need several peels to achieve the most optimal results.

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Asstt.Professor,SGRRIM & HS

Appointment:-+9197190 12227

DR. Naziya